State MEP Resources

The State MEP has participated in numerous training events and meetings. Below is a list of current downloadable materials relevant to the program. Please contact Dr. Dinh Nguyen, Director of, Migrant Education Program at 850-245-0811 for more information.

 FMEP CNA - SDP - Evaluation Documents

The continuous improvement cycle includes the comprehensive needs assessment (CNA), service delivery plan (SDP), and Evaluation processes. We have added the 2015-16 documents. These are ready to be downloaded. The 2014-15 and 2013-14 documents are still available on the Archived State Materials webpage.

Click here to access the FMEP District continuous improvement cycle documents including the self-evaluation report documents.

ID&R Misidentified Child Protocol

If a family/youth was incorrectly determined to be eligible for the MEP as a result of the SEA or LOA Quality Control Review Plan, the local operating agency must follow proper procedures as directed by the SEA.

The State MEP is pleased to offer a list of useful resources every local program will want.

The list contains the web address for information on Federal regulations, Office of Migrant Education guidance, State documents such as technical assistance papers on Priority for Services, and much more valuable information. Now you can bookmark easily these important web links.

Key Florida Migrant Education Program Resources - Revised September 2015