The State MEP has participated in numerous training events and meetings. Below is a list of past events with the downloadable materials that were presented.
Service Delivery Plan Measurable Program Outcomes (MPOs) - Parent Educational Advocacy Surveys
The MPO Parent Surveys were developed to be consistent with the MPOs for Early Childhood, Graduation, and Reading as identified in the 2018 FMEP Service Delivery Plan. To ensure consistency, the information contained in the surveys should not be deleted. However, districts may choose to add additional questions (revised January 2020).
MPO Parent Survey in English
MPO Parent Survey in Haitian-Creole
Parent & Student Surveys - Downloadable Files
Parent and student surveys are available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, and Creole. Please note the Vietnamese surveys are in PDF format; all other surveys are in MS Word.
English Survey Documents
Spanish Survey Documents
Vietnamese Survey Documents
Creole Survey Documents
The Migrant Parent Preschool Checklist brochure was created by the Florida Pre-K Task Force for migrant parents to help them make informed decisions regarding preschool services. Districts are encouraged to share these with their migrant parents and assist them in learning how to best use this resource and become strong advocates for their children's education. Instruction on how to use the checklist could be part of a home visit, MEP event, or MPAC meeting. (posted 1-25-17)
Below are several documents, available for download, related to work the Pre-K TF has carried out. New information and materials will be added as efforts continue.
Summary of the Preschool Initiative Round Table Discussion Meeting on June 16, 2016
Preschool Initiative Round Table Discussion Meeting PowerPoint
Pre-K Task Force Survey Results
Prior to the Preschool Initiative Round Table Discussion event, participants were asked to complete a short survey in order to collect contact information on the agencies and information on the services they provide to families with pre-k children.Pre-K Task Force Virtual Meeting Call Notes for August 30, 2016
2016-17 Guidebook and Mid-Year Report Instructions
Technical Assistance
TA Part 3 - Annual Evaluation Report
The third technical assistance webinar in the three-part series was conducted on September 3, 2014. The following materials are from this presentation.
TA Part 2 - Parent & Student Surveys
The second technical assistance webinar in the three-part series was conducted on January 16, 2014. The following materials are from this presentation.
2015 New Coordinator Forum
We are pleased to provide all links to the presentations that were shared with the new coordinators during the new coordinator webinars.
Webinar II - Presented on September 9, 2015
FMEP New Coordinator Webinar II: Annual Evaluation Report - PowerPoint Presentation (PDF format)
Instructions for Completing the 2014-15 Self-Evaluation Annual Report
Webinar I - Presented on June 18, 2015
Spring 2015 FASFEPA - Title I, Part C Project Application Session - posted 5/18/15
The following materials were presented in the Title I, Part C Project Application session offered at the FASFEPA event on May 4-5, 2015 in Orlando, Florida.
Please contact the State MEP Office if you have questions regarding these documents.
2014-15 Guidebook, Template, and Mid-Year Report Instructions
Please note -
The Parent Involvement and Student Engagement Survey Summary Forms will be due November 13, 2015.
2013-14 Guidebook, Template, and Mid-Year Report Instructions
2014 New Coordinator Forum
We are pleased to provide a link to the presentations that were shared with the new coordinators during the new coordinator webinar series. Click on the titles to download the presentations and supporting documents.