What we do

The Florida Identification and Recruitment Office assists Migrant Education Program Staff by providing resources and training to better equip them in identifying migrant families in Florida. Our focus is to provide guidance to state MEP Staff with issues related to the identification and recruitment of migrant children, ages 0-22, in Florida.

The services we include, but are not limited to are:

  • Technical Assistance with eligibility determinations

  • New staff training

  • Refresher training

  • Targeted training for reaching out-of-school youth (OSY)

  • Quality control.

According to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services website, the top three total production of Florida products that has the most value are Valencia oranges, indoor foliage plants, and fresh market tomatoes. The majority of families migrate from the Midwest to Florida to perform agricultural work.

Contact Us

Florida ID&R Office

753 West Boulevard
Chipley, FL 32428

Toll-Free Phone:


Ruby Luis- Program Coordinator

Anna Velez Negron - Program Specialist

Lupi Streeter - Senior ID&R Trainer